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The Sky Is NOT the Limit - Distracted Driving Tour

The Sky Is NOT the Limit - Fletcher Cleaves


I want to be able to educate as many people as possible about distracted driving. I want to motivate and inspire people from all walks of life to be careful, considerate and to share the message about safer driving.


We are looking for 25 - 30 schools from all over the United States that would like to participate! We will be traveling the country sharing my story, my experience with distracted driving, my views on overcoming adversity, the importance of education, and more to help bring awareness to the dangers of distracted driving and to motivate/inspire others.


Creating safer drivers, and through this, fewer and fewer unnecessary accidents caused by distracted driving.

The Sky Is NOT the Limit - Fletcher Cleaves

"I strive to inspire, empower, and educate the betterment of all people. After a near fatal accident, leaving me paralyzed, I continue to share my story of triumph to motivate turning hardship into purpose. Advocating for safe driving practices, faith-based living, the importance of education and overcoming adversity; I bring a perspective and understanding that the only limitations are the ones we impose on ourselves! The Sky is NOT the limit is dedicated to providing support to communities through acts of service, motivational speaking, fundraising campaigns & events and advocating safe driving."

Fletcher Cleaves was left paralyzed from the waist down after a car accident at 18.— Today, he continues to inspire others as a motivational speaker and safe driving advocate.